Low prices, few or poor sales discussions, and minimal, rarely, or no internet presence can all be signs of fear of stepping into visibility in business. You may avoid discussing your business with friends and family, avoid giving interviews, networking, and are terrified of doing live events, webinars, or even revealing your face in connection with your business.
So for a very long time, I lived in a cocoon, fearing to step into visibility, taking protection in the name of my privacy. It was only a few years since I overcame the fear or inhibition of putting myself into visibility. I come across a lot of people like that who fear to put themselves out there, not showing up online, not creating valuable content or putting content that’s easy to find, not nurturing their audience.
But, let me tell you my dear friends, the only way you’re going to accomplish is if people see you and your brand. Period!
You can step into more visibility in your coaching business or any online business and increase your influence, impact and income. And start living into the abundance mindset you deserve.
Probably you all KNOW this, but what is it that stopping you?
What is it within you that generates emotional barriers, distractions, excuses, procrastination, and other habits that make it nearly impossible to show up consistently in your online business?
For most people it’s fear. Fear of rejection, fear of judgment, fear of visibility, fear of failure. If you don’t overcome fear and nervousness, your message will never be heard.
Expanding ourselves and our businesses can oftentimes feel unsafe because we’re stepping into the unknown. In such cases, it’s common for our mindset to shift to fear around not feeling safe to speak our truth, or share our thoughts and opinions, or make more money. What’s actually happening is that your brain is trying to come up with any distraction it can to get you out of this new, unknown situation.
See this as a natural and common response. Remember, your brain is wired to get you out of harmful or unfamiliar situations.
Another trigger that results in fear is your thoughts of unworthiness. A lot of coaches and online entrepreneurs have thoughts like – “Why would anyone pay me for this”? “Is my program good enough”? “I’m not good enough”. “Am I worthy of asking $ XXXX”?
Worthiness is an inside job. Nobody and nothing outside of you can ever make you feel worthy if you don’t believe it in the first place.
If you’re worried about being judged, not getting sales, or launching to crickets, or that no one likes you, you’re dealing with a mindset associated with not feeling loved. Comparison, self-judgment, shame, and self-loathing are all low vibrational feelings and aren’t doing you any favors to live in with.
Hey, don’t think this as some old age, woo woo idea. Self-care will determine what you allow yourself to have in your business and life, so it’s important to deliberately develop a practice starting TODAY.
1. Change

When you’re ready to grow, you usually have a fear of being seen. Taking on the job of a business owner entails taking on the position of a leader, and possibly a change agent, which is no simple undertaking. It’s something that initially worries you because it’s a new position that brings up a lot of old, incorrect assumptions that you may have internalized during your childhood. While it appears to be a fear of being seen, it is actually a fear of disappointing your team and family, a fear of failure, a fear of success, a fear of being criticized, and a fear of being branded an impostor.
You are in charge of yourself, as an adult. You have control over when and how you accomplish things. As a result, accepting responsibility for your shift is the first step in overcoming your fear of being seen.

2. Repeat
Our deliberate decision to change how we react to dread and make decisions despite the worry that lurks in the back of our minds is what causes fear. The good news is that courage is a skill that can be learned and developed. The important point to remember here is that courage and confidence take time to develop, so be patient with yourself.
That is why I encourage regularly practicing tiny acts of courage and taking your time with it because you will need patience, compassion, and love during this process.

3. Accountability and Guidance
Many people try to deal with something as fundamental as their fear of being seen on their own. This, however, is not something you can readily identify, handle, or conquer on your own. That’s all right. Having someone to hold you accountable and/or provide assistance will make the entire process of conquering your fear of being seen a lot simpler.
First and foremost, it holds you accountable for your objectives. Second, it allows you to experience the world through the eyes of another person, and you may discover that your beliefs about yourself being unworthy, defective, and undeserving are untrue.
If you locate someone who has dealt with and overcomes the fear of being visible in business before, you can learn from their experiences and find alternate solutions to your own problems. It doesn’t guarantee the same thing will work for you, but at the very least you’ll discover that there are multiple solutions to a problem and that they can all be accomplished.
The secret sauce to overcoming fear and being more VISIBLE is being more VULNERABLE. You know people who share intimate things and you’re like “wow, that person is so brave! I’m so grateful they shared their story because now I know I’m not alone.”
“Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it.”
–Judy Blume
Vulnerable visibility is going to fast-track you into the know, like, trust cycle, and it’s from here you attract your soulmate clients and grow your business by leaps and bounds.
If you’re still stuck and could use a little support, I offer a FREE Discovery Call. During the call, we’ll determine where you’re at, as well as if we vibe to work together to get you where you want to be in your business.
Related: 52 Ways to Dramatically Transform Your Life
Related: 5 Mindset Hacks That Will Transform Your Business
Until next time, keep building your empire!
Xoxo Kavitha
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